With the current situation we have so much time at home, and spending all day in it is a great opportunity to carry out the cleaning that we normally leave for later.
Also, cleaning is an excellent activity to do with your kids.
It is best to start small, what do you think about cleaning the walls? It sounds good since the walls are just something that we usually forget when cleaning and yet they are large accumulators of dust and dirt.

First of all, do a test to see the water-resistance of the paint of your wall. Apply the cleaning product on the wall behind a piece of furniture, to check if you will have no problems during the wash.
Although it sounds funny, the first thing you should do is sweep them, since they accumulate dust, likewise give the roof a pass.

A good ally against mold is the apple cider vinegar that you probably have in the pantry, since, mixed with water it will help you fight germs.

Note: Remember that there are some finishes whose minimum contact with water could have irreversible damage, also, do not forget the areas where you have tiles.
We invite you to keep update of more cleaning tips in different areas of the home.
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